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How smaller vehicles can avoid wide-turn truck accidents

On Behalf of | Dec 11, 2023 | Auto Accidents |

Did you know that right-hand semi-truck turns are usually tighter than left-hand turns? For this reason, truck drivers have to navigate these maneuvers with extra caution. Sometimes, truck drivers navigate right-turn turns by swinging their cabs to the left and then circling through a right-hand turn.

This maneuver is intended to prevent the right turn squeeze that happens when vehicles this size don’t have enough room to make a proper right turn. However, this can pose a danger to other road users. Smaller vehicles in neighboring lanes can crash into the trailer or get caught underneath the large vehicle as it swings to the left. This reality underscores the need for smaller vehicles to pay extra caution when sharing the road with trucks that are executing wide turns.

Safe driving practices

When sharing the road with trucks, smaller vehicles should maintain a safe following distance. This can ensure that drivers have ample time to react to sudden maneuvers by the larger vehicle, reducing the risk of collisions during wide turns. Smaller vehicle operators must also be attentive to truck turn signals. A clear understanding of the signals used by truck drivers can provide crucial information about their intentions, allowing smaller vehicles to adjust their positions accordingly.

Moreover, maintaining open communication with truck drivers can be a game-changer. Smaller vehicles should use signals, lights and horns appropriately to alert truck drivers of their presence, especially during complex traffic scenarios.

Defensive driving techniques

Smaller vehicle drivers should hone their predictive awareness skills to help reduce the risk of accidents. This involves anticipating when a truck is likely to execute a wide turn and positioning their vehicles accordingly. In some cases, smaller vehicles can opt for alternate routes that minimize their interaction with areas prone to wide turns by trucks.

The coexistence of smaller vehicles and trucks on the road necessitates a collective effort to enhance safety. By understanding the challenges posed by wide-turning trucks and adopting proactive measures, smaller vehicle operators can contribute to accident prevention.

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