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Motorcycle accident injuries can cause long-term health problems

On Behalf of | Sep 21, 2020 | Auto Accidents |

Motorcyclists in Denver typically want to make the most of their opportunities to ride their bikes before the cold winter weather arrives. Under even the best of circumstances, motorcycles are dangerous. Compared to four-wheel vehicles, riders need more skills to avoid accidents. Motorcycle accident injuries can be life-changing and lead to long-term health problems.

Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable, and crashes typically result in severe injuries or death. Injuries to the lower extremities such as ankles, feet, calves and knees are not generally fatal, but they can cause long-term disabilities. Road rash is also common because riders have no seat  belts. Being ejected from the bike and sliding on the pavement can remove all the skin layers and damage exposed muscles.

Often, the instinct to put out the hands to break the fall causes injuries to the hands, arms and shoulders — sometimes causing permanent nerve damage. Some of the most common injuries bikers suffer are to the neck and head. Skull fractures and brain trauma can happen. Wearing a helmet is crucial, though they do not always prevent concussions.

A victim of a motorcycle accident might have grounds to pursue damage recovery through the Colorado civil justice system. The complexity of the legal proceedings might be daunting, but an experienced Denver personal injury attorney can provide the necessary support and guidance along every step of the way. Legal counsel can work to establish negligence if another party caused the accident. After the claim’s successful presentation, a monetary judgment might cover all documented claims for past and future accident-related financial and emotional damages.



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