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Steps to take after your car accident

On Behalf of | Feb 12, 2020 | Firm News |

A car accident can be a disorienting and confusing experience. You could be facing painful injuries, medical bills and other accident-related complications that are difficult to navigate. It’s normal to find this experience overwhelming, but there are things you can do that will help you walk through the entire post-accident process.

Through specific steps at the scene of the accident and in the days and weeks after, you can work to protect your interests and secure what you need for recovery. When you know what to do and what to expect, you will have a better chance of successfully getting what you deserve from the insurance company or from filing a civil claim. Even with these steps, however, many accident victims find it beneficial to secure legal counsel after a motor vehicle accident.

At the scene of the crash

An accident scene can be scary and traumatic. As a Colorado driver, it can help to know what to do in those moments to best protect yourself and get help as soon as possible. Some of the things you may need to do right after a crash include:

  • Check yourself and anyone in your vehicle for injuries, and check on others involved on the crash.
  • If possible and safe to do so, move out of harm’s way and call for help.
  • Exchange information with other drivers involved with the accident.
  • Document the accident the best you can, including taking pictures of the scene and getting contact information from witnesses.

Accident scene documentation is important, especially if the other party decides to dispute the events or the insurance company attempts to place some or all of the blame for the accident on you. Pictures can prove useful when fighting for monetary recovery.

After the crash

What happens in the days and weeks following a crash matter. You will find it useful to find out what insurance coverage may apply to your accident and how you can file a claim. You may also have to deal with other insurance complications, including a denied claim or attempts to minimize the money paid to you.

From dealing with the insurance company to getting what you need to cover your medical bills, you do not have to walk through one step of the post-accident process alone. The civil justice system provides a way for you to pursue legal recourse after suffering from the negligent or reckless actions of another driver, and an experienced attorney can prove an invaluable ally for the entire process.

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