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How to help a loved one adjust to a new disability

On Behalf of | Dec 7, 2018 | Uncategorized |

It is heartbreaking to see a loved one’s life suddenly change because of a new disability. While you know you want to be there to support them, it can sometimes be difficult to find meaningful ways to show you care. After all, this change is new to you as well.

Some of the most important things you can do are to listen to them and be patient. Your beloved is likely working through the stages of grief while discovering what their abilities are. There may be many changes that feel like they are happening all at once, but without listening or being patient, you will not know what they may want help with.

Helping when necessary

If your spouse asks for your help, try to aid them as soon as possible. Keep in mind, it may be difficult for them to ask for help, so try to show that you do not mind helping. However, do not force them to accept your help. It may be important to them to complete the tasks they are able to complete.

You can also assist them by researching their condition, as well as any special equipment that may help them complete tasks. Many devices are inexpensive or may be covered by insurance plans. It is especially important that your loved one feels as comfortable and empowered as possible, especially in the home.

Walking in the winter

Depending on the severity of their disabilities, winter may be an especially difficult time. The season can be isolating and depressing because the days are short and those with mobility issues may be limited on places they can go outside of their own homes.

One way you can help is by keeping outdoor walkways free of snow and ice. You can also help by encouraging your loved one to stay connected with other friends and family, and removing barriers to social visits. You can try to make yourself for available for companionship. If they do not want to talk, consider playing a game together or starting a new hobby that you can both share in.

It can be an emotional and confusing time for you and your beloved after finding out they have a new disability, and it will take time for both of you to adjust to this change. However, you can support your loved one if you listen, have patience and tailor your help to your loved one’s specific needs.

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